...and her trials of dealing with a working mom

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Oh.... look at me.

Yup, two post in a row.

I'm starting to get my days a little more sorted out.... I think.  I went and got my hair cut this evening and had a couple of inches taken off, so it should me quicker for me to dry in the mornings.  This was the first day in the last several that I didn't have to go out to my car at lunch and take a nap.  I'll count that as a win.  I'm posting on here tonight, and I managed to take a pic of my pumpkin when I got home.

It makes me sad that this is what I miss all day. But she is a cutie...

The doctor said she should start recognizing her name.  That might be true if we called her her name on a regular basis.  I call her Sweet Cheeks, pumpkin, sweetheart, roo...  The spousal unit calls her killer.  Yeah, I don't know either.  Anyone got any other good pet names? 

I'm still needing to fit in running and cleaning.  I also need to reevaluate my diet.  I cut out pops and juice.  I only drink coffee, water, tea and milk.  And I still haven't lost any more weight.  I have AT LEAST 10 lbs to loose.  I hate actually "dieting".  I try just to eat better.  Maybe I'll concentrate on not so many carbs, and more lean protein.  *ugh*

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